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Sunday, June 20, 2010

TPLO surgery recovery at 3 weeks

Niko is doing extremely well at 3 weeks. I took him back to the surgery center to have them check his progress. He's started to walk faster now, although I have to slow him down so he walks instead of runs. When he picks up his pace, he tends to run on three legs, so walking is very important because it forces him to use all 4 legs. He's allowed to go up and down one or two steps and I can increase his walk time from 5 minutes to 10-15 minutes.

I took a video of the physical therapy that they suggested be done twice a day after the surgery.

These are special exercises to help restore optimal movement to his knee joint. First, have your dog lay on his side, with the affected leg on top. To perform flexion, grasp the leg just above the knee and just below the ankle (hock). Holding the thigh steady, gently push the lower leg up toward the thigh, so that the upper and lower legs are fully touching. For extension, grasp the leg just above the knee and just behind the hock. Keeping the thigh steady, gently push the hock until the leg is straight. Perform both motions for 2 sets of 10 repetitions. Be careful never to force the leg, and never push past your dog's comfort zone.

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